Piloted Near-Field Electromagnetic Testing
Our Piloted Near-Field Tool is a cutting-edge solution designed for the precision assessment of pipeline integrity. This tool employs near-field electromagnetic techniques, controlled manually to navigate through the intricate environments of water and wastewater pipelines. Its design allows for close observation and detailed analysis of the pipeline structure, specifically targeting the detection of anomalies such as broken pre-stressing wires in Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP). Ideal for projects requiring meticulous inspection, this tool ensures high accuracy and provides essential data that aids in proactive maintenance and decision-making, enhancing the longevity and reliability of critical infrastructure.
The manual pushcart platform built by INSIGHT Water Technologies utilizes the latest nondestructive testing science and technology coupled with a stable, lightweight platform to attain accurate near field testing data while reducing logistical inconvenience. This data is used to report the location and quantification of broken wire/bar wrap damage on PCCP and BWP.
The pushcart is less than 40 pounds and is simply lowered into the pipe and the telescoping arms are expanded to match the pipe diameter and inspection begins. At inline butterfly valves (54-inch or larger), the tool is simply passed over or around the valve. These aspects speed inspection and require less onsite logistical support.
The carbon fiber frames have the strength and rigidity needed to provide a stable platform to collect accurate electromagnetic data. Its hardware has also been designed to increase sensitivity at joints.
- Sensitive to a single broken wire/bar wrap in barrel for LCP, BWP, and ECP without shorting strap
- Sensitive to 4 or more broken wire wraps for ECP with shorting strap
- Provides an ‘as-built’ pipe list showing the length of each pipe
- Visual and sounding inspection available upon request